Explainer: What is Black Fungus Infection that may cause blindness after Covid?

Ravi Singh
2 min readMay 21, 2021


As India reels under the second wave of Covid-19, cases of deadly fungal infection Mucormycosis, also known as black fungus, are rising.

Delhi’s Sir Ganga Ram hospital has reported at least six cases in the last few days of the infection among those recovered from Covid. Around 300 cases have been reported in Gujarat’s Morbi.

While at least 40 cases of Mucormycosis have been reported from Surat among those who have recovered from Covid-19. Of the 40, eight have lost their eyesight

So what it this Black Fungus infection and how dangerous it is…

1. It’s a severe fungal infection that attacks people with decreased immunity.

2. Use of steroids and Remdesivir in Covid treatment leads to depleting immunity.

3. People who have recovered from Covid but have diabetes, AIDS, Cancer or heart issues are at the risk of contracting the infection.

4. Common symptoms are swelling in eyes, bleeding from nose, eyes, ears or oral cavity. nasal blockage and severe headache.

5. Infection moves from sinus into eye and in some case even infects the brain.

6. Patients suffer loss of eyesight, removal of nose bone or jaw bone.and even death In fact, black fungus has a higher mortality rate than Covid.

However, doctors say that the disease can be cured with timely diagnosis and treatment.

So how can you guard against Black Fungus infection:

1. First, work on your immunity.

2. Diabetics must monitor sugar levels regularly, especially those given steroids during Covid treatment.

3. And most important: Covid vaccine. Get that shot at the earliest to protect yourselves against Covid and in turn Mucormycosis.

Also Read | Black Fungus: AIIMS issues new guidelines for detection & care

Watch: https://www.editorji.com/story/explainer-what-is-black-fungus-infection-that-may-cause-blindness-after-covid-1620460985163



Ravi Singh

Hello, my name is Ravi Singh. I am the person behind this profile and a professional in Digital News Media. https://www.editorji.com/